1. Pay less attention to price: As any other business an online business require you to make investments. Your hosting might be the most important investment you'll ever make in your online ventures. Taking the cheap route when it comes to choosing hosting might be costly as it can lead to total disaster. Think about it, your hosting is just like the property you would have to rent if you opened a brick and mortar store. If you went out and chose the cheapest place for your store, would standards be great? Do you think it is any different when it comes to web hosting?
2. Get flexible hosting: You might not know it yet, but as your website grows you might need more features. If your web hosting lacks flexibility you might need to move to another hosting company, which may be difficult if the new host runs other versions of software than the one you are moving from. Furthermore, changing your web host can also make your website unavailable as DNS (Domain Name Servers) have to update.
3. Check uptime guarantees: Uptime guarantees is something you should really pay attention to. A lot of people think 99.9% uptime guarantee on hosting is great, but is it? Let us see how many hours and minutes a 99.9% uptime guarantee translates to in downtime.
99.9% uptime means that your site will be up 99.9% of the time over any period of time, lets calculate the downtime over the course of a year. 8 hours and 45 minutes of downtime. Pretty much if you think about it? Yes, and what if it is down at the most busy time of the day, now that wouldn't be so great now would it? With 99.99% uptime guarantee, your site will not be down for more than 53 minutes a year and if you get 99.999% uptime, your site will only be down for 5 minutes.
4. Customer support: Make absolutely sure that the hosting company you deal with are great at customer support. Poor customer support should be a deal breaker for you as it is important to get help fast if something unexpected happens to your websites or hosting. A lot of hosting companies have profiles on social media sites like Twitter. This is a good sign, because hosting companies on there knows how important public relations are. If something happens contacting support by Twitter will most likely give you the help you require fast.
5. Read web hosting reviews: So, where can you get consumer reviews of web hosting? There are many sites which provide web hosting reviews, some are biased others not, be sure that the hosting review site you use are not biased, as they might talk positively on the hosting companies which pays out the biggest commissions for sales.
Here is one website where people can add their own [http://hosting-review-web.com/]web hosting reviews of a number of high quality web hosting companies. Be sure to check it out.
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Web-Hosting-Reviews---5-Key-Points-to-Find-the-Perfect-Web-Hosting-Company&id=3665174] Web Hosting Reviews - 5 Key Points to Find the Perfect Web Hosting Company
1 comment:
Really great information share by you. Its very informative and helpful to me.
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