If you are a newbie looking for the right type of web hosting service, it can be a real challenge for some of you. This is because there are thousands of web host companies available out there offering different types of plans and services, therefore having to choose the best one among the thousands is not easy.
Literally, there are four main types of web hosting which one can find in the web host industry today, they are:
a. Dedicated hosting:
- This is the most expensive type of web hosting but you can have complete control over the website and server because you are the only user leasing this server for your own good usage.
- Dedicated hosting is suitable if you are expanding your online business because of the many attractive features and software applications which you can obtain from the dedicated web host. Better security control is also there because you are the only user for dedicated hosting and there is simply no other users residing on the same server as you are; this leaves you with a higher sense of security.
- Dedicated hosting is suitable if you are having heavy online traffics for your website.
b. Shared hosting - this is a less expensive type of web hosting as compared to the dedicated hosting. It is a very popular choice among web users today.
- it is suitable for those who wish to create their own websites for personel used. As what the name implied, with a shared hosting, you will be sharing the same server with other users, each with a fixed allocated website space, data space and bandwidth. No one had the anatomy to control over the other users, except the web hosting provider.
- One of the weaknesses of shared web host is the potential risk of not knowing the real identity of those users who will be on the same server as you are, you are unable to tell if they are genuine users, and if they will adhere strictly to the rules of shared hosting or otherwise. In cases of hackers and virus attacks, if any of these users get affected, the rest of the users on the same web server is likely to be affected as well.
c. Video Hosting - this type of web hosting service had increased in its popularity but there is certain level of difficulty in getting this service implemented. This is because Video hosting required a huge bandwidth, large disk space, high data speed availability and a reliable video hosting service provider whom is equipped with massive experience in video hosting to enable your visitors to host the videos with less hassle and issues.
d. Virtual private server - this VPS option allows you to gain the maximum control over the server environment, without the needs to reinstall everything because as you signed up for a Virtual private server, you are entitled to "lease" everything that are necessary from the web hosting owner, and the web host will be providing all types of support and assistant along the way.
Other than the above, there are definitely many other basic information which need to be available to these new comers, however the gist of it is these new comers need to be self-initiative and be proactive enough to be able to perform some research on web hosting before they venture into this industry.
If you want a reliable web host, there is nobody else who can do a better job than [http://www.webhostingdeals.org/hostgator-review]Hostgator. Why? It is not only about their 99.9% uptime. They are much more than that. You should learn about it from [http://www.webhostingdeals.org/hostgator-review]Hostgator review.
Darren is a full time web developer for years. Due to the nature of his expertise he has accumulated great experience on web hosting. Do check out what he says about web host.
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Key-Instant-Guides-For-Web-Hosting-Newcomers&id=3475956] Key Instant Guides For Web Hosting Newcomers
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