After you have designed your website, you will have to use a web hosting service, so that it can be uploaded on the internet, thus viewed by people browsing it. Using a web host means buying virtual space from a company, which will "host" your website on its web servers; it is possible for that company to host many more websites with differing domain names and IP addresses, but this won't affect your website. In return of their service, you will have to pay a fee every month. Usually the fee it's not too expensive, but if you request a large amount of bandwidth and big disk space, then you should expect a high bill too. Also take notice that there are several web hosting options, such as dedicated web hosting or web hosting reseller.
The next step would be to focus on the domain names, as these are an important element in the whole "web hosting" process. So, when designing the website and purchasing a web hosting service, also find a domain registrar. Make sure you choose your favourite domain name and that it is available, then buy it from the domain registrar. It is really up to you which website domain you buy, or how many domain names; the key is that they all need to be available.
To conclude, after you bought the web domain, also purchase a web hosting service that fits your needs best from a professional web hosting company. If you are interested in more details about this topic or in examples of web hosting providers check out these web hosting tips.
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