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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
How Would You Like To Work At Home?
Affiliate Programs - There are many different programs out there that you can join, and almost every single company that has a website online (especially the brandable ones) have an affiliate program YOU can join in order to make money from. The point of becoming an affiliate is to sell products, services or other items for a company, and you in turn will get a certain percentage (usually per sale). Another popular thing is to join affiliate hubs like Kolimbo and linksys which will allow you to join certain programs within the hub. Personally I like this option better because it's more organized and all your affiliates and; banners, text ads, scripts, buttons or otherwise are all in one place. You can also join some other affiliate programs like Clickbank, Amazon, and eBay but you will still be earning X amount of dollars or X percentage per sale (or whatever they are paying you to do).
Freelance - When freelancing you will most likely be working on your own time, with your own hours and will be setting your own price amounts. In this case you can offer services such as web development, web design, writing, web hosting, marketing, SEM, SEO, etc. You wont have anyone looking over your shoulder and this is why I consider this more of a work at home "job" rather than an affiliate program because what you make, is what you keep. You will still need to market and advertise your service but some people insist that this is one of the easiest ways to make money from home; I have to say that I agree.
Cash Gifting - These websites allow you to pay a certain amount of money to get into the "business." Cash gifting is a good way for people to help people. People will help you make a certain amount of money and then you will help them make a certain of money. Note this doesn't happen over night, sometimes it takes 30 to 90 days to actually see any profit, but in most cases more often than not you will see a good amount of money being made here!
Make money from you blog - A lot of people don't realize just how powerful their blog really is. First off you can easily make money from posting blogs right on your site from sites like Blogvertise. Simply set up your account, tell them what category your niche is, and they will send you advertisers that would like you to write blogs for them. These blogs range from $5 on up to $55 depending on who you are writing for. You can also make money from your blog by getting paid for content at sites like Revver, get paid for CPM banners, banner clicks, you can embed your affiliate links to your products, sell adspace and so much more!
Content writing - Join sites like Helium, Constant Content and Associated content and make money per article submitted. Sure, you wont get rich, but you will make some good money, especially if you can figure out how to mass produce articles while still staying under the profit margin per gross sales. Of course I cant tell everyone my tricks but if you figure it out, then you are golden! You can also do other things like start an article writing and submission business, rewriting business, you can go even further and write blogs for companies, web content, e-books and so much more!
Of course these are just some of the simple ways and there are at least 2 dozen other ways to make money online. But if you want to work your own hours, on your own time, and really have room to make more money and rise above all that you have accomplished before; working at home is the way to do it. I worked as a Chef for almost 11 years, and I never was able to get to the higher level than I was at unless I quit the job I was doing and moved on to another place. Obviously this isn't always the smart thing to do, however, while working at home; I have made more each year, I have accomplished more and I have made more out of myself and my career. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, give it a go. You don't have anything to lose and everything to gain!
Author Resource:-> This author is a HUGE fan of ">How would you like to work from home?
Article From Article Emporium
Monday, November 17, 2008
What Is Organic SEO?
Organic SEO still refers to the processes and strategies that are undertaken to optimize a website so that it gets good relevance ratings based on the keywords that the site is responsive to. The only difference between Organic SEO and the SEO we now know is that Organic SEO is a manual process vs. the current automated processes of page submission and alteration that characterizes “modern” SEO. Organic SEO focuses on promoting websites on the Natural search engine results also known as organic results in contrast with sponsored links (Pay-Per-Click/PPC). For more details visit to .Organic SEO, if you really think about is a "purist" approach to website optimization because nothing is a "black box". As an expert in Organic SEO, you know optimization; you don’t just blindly trust it.
Organic SEO is based on a clear understanding of fundamental concepts, including:
• Search engines and how they work
Obviously, you cannot practice Organic SEO if you don’t even know how the first two letters of SEO (i.e., Search Engine) works. A search engine is a web site that provides the visitor a list of recommended websites to go to, based on a specific keyword or keywords. The rank of a website is statistically determined by what is termed as "key word density" or the ratio of keywords to the total number of words of content in a website. Inbound links and their relevance is another factor that determines your rankings. The gatherer of this statistical data is what is called a "spider" or "spider bot", which is a program whose function is to count the number of times a keyword appears in a website through a process called "crawling".
• Search Engine Optimization
You can’t have Organic SEO without the SEO part, which stands what Search Engine Optimization. SEO’s main goal is simple: bring as many visitors to your website as possible by exerting influence on the search engine to position your website as close to the top of the list as possible. As a result of having more visitors, it is hoped that your website will generate business for you. This result is every Organic SEO practitioner’s clear measure of success.
• Viral Marketing
This is an important concept to understand if you are serious about becoming a good Organic SEO expert. Viral Marketing is a strategy to exponentially increase the number of visitors to your website from a small base that you have developed from your initial Organic SEO strategy. An example of Viral Marketing is to offer visitors to your website an opportunity to generate income from their own website by simply putting in your website’s link on theirs so that when people visit their website, then there is a good chance that they will visit yours. This strategy is certainly a handy component of the arsenal of a practitioner of Organic SEO.
• Optimized Domain Names
One of the simplest concepts to understand, yet also one that is not as easy to implement. Getting a keyword-rich domain name is every Organic SEO consultant’s dream because it carries so much weight in the relevance scale. If you domain name is exactly what you are selling, you will be able to smoothly sail on without much of a problem in the rankings. The problem, of course, is that there is a very high likelihood that the “good” domain names already belong to someone, and this makes an Organic SEO specialist life more difficult.
• Keyword Research
This is the first step on the list of to-dos for an Organic SEO practitioner because it plays a major role in determining your optimization strategy. For more information logon to .Since it takes months for any optimization strategy to take effect, an Organic SEO expert’s efforts will be wasted if he makes the mistake of optimizing a website based on keywords that are not as popular as he assumed.
Becoming an Organic SEO specialist is not an easy task at all because it requires a deep understanding of the fundamentals that those utilizing automated systems take for granted. There is a major advantage, however, of Organic SEO vs. the “lazy man’s” SEO: A clear understanding of the concepts allows you to analyze SEO situations more accurately and come up with strategies that are more appropriate and responsive to your website’s needs.
Author Resource:->
Article From Article Emporium
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Your low cost web hosting plan
This article will guide you towards selecting a low cost web hosting plan. You just have to follow certain guide lines while selecting an affordable low cost web hosting and you should also know what to look for while selecting a web hosting account. There are certain features that should be taken into consideration while selecting a low cost web hosting and they are as follows:
1) Concentrate on disk space and bandwidth availability:
Now days, there are many hosting companies who can offer you a good deal with disk space and bandwidth. Be aware of the fact that there might be certain hosting company who provide more disk space and bandwidth which is not reliable or not having a good support system. However, in my opinion, you should also not select the company which provides more disk space and more bandwidth, just because the offer is good. In other words, you should buy only what you need. You should first decide on your requirements and then proceed towards hosting company that provides your requirement at the cheapest rate.
2) Focus towards domains hosting:
Check whether your hosting company is providing unlimited domains and unlimited sub domains hosting. You may require to only host one domain. But yet it would be wise enough if you choose a web host who can provide you with at least unlimited sub domains hosting.
3) Hosting service should also provide mail and FTP user account facility:
When you go for a low cost hosting company, see that it provides you with mail and FTP user accounts. Check for separate mail ID facility or FTP accounts with different folder access ability.
4) Be able to have control on your account:
See that your hosting company is in a position to give you maximum control of your account such as SSH (secure shell) access, .htaccess file access, croj job, perl and python support. All these terms may sound jargon to you but at one point of time, you will definitely need one of these accesses for your website.
5) Should have the ability of installing open source softwares:
Your hosting company should offer installation facility of many open source softwares like wordpress, PhpBB MediaWiki, Zencast etc. You should be able to install through the control panel.
6) Check for support ability:
Your low cost hosting company that you choose should at least offer mail support with a reasonable response time. You can’t expect phone support. However if you do get that facility then you can considered it as an added plus point.
Author Resource:-> Web Hosting Rating is source for finding Cheap Web Hosting and experiences of Front Page Hosting.
Article From Article Emporium
Friday, October 31, 2008
Deciding Between Windows and Linux Web Hosting
Linux Servers Advantages
Linux servers have been known to run for long periods of time without technical difficulties or down time being experienced, which is a considerable achievement since many Microsoft servers need to refresh and reboot their operating systems at regular intervals.
Linux installations have no known vulnerabilities in their security operating system; however, it is still considered a priority of Linux to keep their systems running with the best degree of security around.
Linux also offers its customers the added advantage of cheaper Linux based web hosting solutions. This is largely due to open source distributions; hosts generally pass these savings onto their customers, making Linux solutions extremely affordable.
Disadvantages of Linux Servers
With every advantage of a solution, there has to be disadvantages as well, Linux hosting solutions are no exception to this rule. One of the main disadvantages of Linux based applications is that they are unable to accommodate windows applications and the coding conversions. This can spell disaster for websites that have been coded especially for windows based applications.
When choosing a web hosting provider for Linux, make sure he offers all the basics services on security, including firewall, load balance for the servers, Denial of Attack (DOS) protection.
Also, there are some basics services any service should include, such as MYSQL services, statistics (preferably two scripts), antivirus and antispam services (added or included) and the possibility to add your own scripts via FTP. If provider doesn't include SSH access (this is very common), make sure they can offer you support to install those scripts. Of course, if your script presents a security flaw, your provider may ask you to change it or deny installing it altogether.
Windows web servers
Windows web hosting solutions provide many benefits such as NET support, ASP, visual basic C++ and pearl scripts. Windows are also known for their dynamic page displays. All windows plans, as well as MSSql for more experienced webmasters support the Microsoft Access 2000 database and are generally easy and strait forward to apply codes to.
Be aware that a Microsoft Access database, although simple to use is a limited option, and should not be considered if you are planning your site to grow. However, it is a very good option for small sites with little growth.
Although Windows hosting packages offer a large number of benefits and extras, the fact that they have the odd security problem, are prone to down time, and scheduled rebooting on a regular basis remains a viable disadvantage to using windows servers as an option for your web site.
While the choice of a web hosting provider is an individual decision, those looking for a business solution should consider the benefits and disadvantages of both windows and Linux severs before making a choice.
Author Resource:-> is the premier web hosting company in Mexico, offering a range or services for all business needs.
Article From Article Emporium
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Warning Of Cheap Hosting Company Tactics
Finding a low cost website package can be easy after some research. There are many choices in internet web hosting. With new companies starting up every day, many want your business. When searching for low priced web services, you may come across some that look like they offer you everything you want, however, on looking at there terms and conditions, you soon find that you have much more costs than you thought you would with the internet web hosting.
* A low priced website service offers free hosting
This kind of low priced hosting service could cause problems. You could also find the service deteriorates, as people rush in to the low priced webhosting service to get the low priced internet web hosting package in time before the offer ends.
Cheap webhosting companies have a habit of charging for extra services. And this could cost you more than another service. It is crucial to look at at your needs before deciding on a low cost internet package. The best way to approach this is to take a look at your needs today, and also your potential needs in 5 years time and longer. This goes for the personal web site, and also the business web site.
Your internet web hosting needs today may or may not be same a year from now. What if you want to host more domains on your hosting account? Can the low priced internet web hosting service do this within the same internet web hosting service or is it an extra fee?
When getting cheap webhosting, consider what kind of support you get. No one like having to wait a long time, to get problems resolved. However, if you need help, having a low priced website internet web hosting service resolve the situation quick as possible is what matters.
A low priced web hosting service may only have a few packages. Take a look at the different packages available. If your first need for internet web hosting is their top level package, then you may hit problems in the near future, if you needed more of something. It is always a good measure if there are at least a few web packages above what you need. Then this way, any future needs you may have, can be met with the low priced webhosting service.
All this may seem as genuine precautions or they may seem overkill, especially for someone who only wants to keep a about me web page. I found years ago, that my hobby turned more into a business. Hosting is like buying a home. If you buy real estate, and the building has any damage to the building, then the solution is very expensive to fix. Make sure your low priced website hosting service meets your needs, you will be grateful in the long term.
Author Resource:-> Here is a list of business website hosting links that may help you:
* cheap hosting package
* business website hosting
* Submit Articles
Article From Article Emporium
Choose Your Web Hosting at
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Basics To Consider Before Obtaining Website Hosting
A large number of companies will supply free hosting to individuals, but not generally to business entities, where they are able to have websites and blogs without any charge. For more storage space, better email facilities, sub domains and more you really need to look at paid web hosting plans; this is particularly pertinent for businesses wanting their own online web presence. There is a huge range of services available and often comparison sites are the best place to search as prices do vary considerably and you must really know in advance what type of service you need.
Initially, a lot of users decide on paying for a shared server with their hosting company.This enables them to see if they have chosen a very good hosting company; then often they may upgrade to a reseller's account, virtual private or dedicated server. Upgrading a hosting account to one of the aforementioned usually gives one more disk space and greater bandwidth along with other improved services. Often using shared hosting limits the amount of resources the hosting company would allow on the shared server. An example of this would be they might denie the ability to use certain resource intensive scripts.
However, all this is academic if one has not registered a domain name that can be used in conjunction with the web hosting account where one can upload their web files to. Web files is a generic term that can mean anything from basic HTML pages to video or audio tracks but be aware that free or basic paid packages do not give the most storage if you are intending to upload an extensive amount of large files. But rest assured that what ever amount of web space you need, you will be able to find a web hosting company that can meet your needs.
The good thing about having your own web hosting package attached to your own registered domain name means that you can create all of your desired email addresses to contain your domain name with in them. If you are a business this is much better than using a free service email provider you may have been using previously. Such e-mail addresses are very important, especially if you're truly serious about your business as they provide you with a level of credibility that free email addresses never can.
The amount of data that is viewed on your website each time someone accesses it is called bandwidth; it is an extremely important aspect to consider and the main reason why buying the cheapest hosting package is not always best. If your hosting company can't offer you better bandwidth, then it will be very hard for your users to view your web pages. This is extremely important if your website has many images, MP3 tracks or other large files like video clips. Even a single web page can contain a great deal of information, all of which is considered as bandwidth.
So in closing what ever you are wanting in a website to reflect your personal or business entity will be readily available, from free to expensive web hosting. It is all out there waiting for you to choose. And one of the great things about this modern day internet world is what ever you choose, if you are not happy with it, you can change. It might cost you though, so it behooves you to do some research in the beginning to decide what you are wanting in a website and then find the web hosting company that can meet those needs.
Author Resource:-> Please visit Website Hosting for more detailed information and videos, also Questions and Answers for videos and solutions on other related topics.
Article From Article Emporium
Affordable Web Hosting at FanWeb
Monday, October 13, 2008
Getting The Best Cheap Web Hosting
When looking on Google, you can find the best cheap web hosting companies by typing in their business name and the word scam, rip off or other phrases of that sort. That will bring up comments about the company with those keyword phrases. If you find anything from that, then you know to stay away. It is difficult to tell whether or not you should work with a cheap web hosting company based on what you find because sometimes, they will have good and bad reports about them, so which to believe?
It is up to you to decide on whether to work with the cheap web hosting company or not. Go with your business instinct and ask lots of questions. You should also check to see when the comments were made and about what. If you see any derogatory comments about the hosting company within your search, research it out. Obviously large hosting companies will have some unsatisfied customers due to the amount of customers they have, however they should not have a huge negative response. If you only find negative information about a hosting company then you should run in the other direction.
When getting the best cheap web hosting companies, you will need to check out what they can offer you for the prices that they state. A lot of these cheap web hosting businesses will offer you low payments of a couple of dollars monthly. Make sure you aren't getting a cheap rate for a cheap service. Just because you are getting a cheap web hosting company doesn't mean you don't deserve quality. See how they can benefit your site and if they can properly maintain it. It's your website, so make sure you're getting the best cheap web hosting company in the market. So shop around and find a great company to host your site.
Author Resource:-> Joel McLaughlin
Looking for Cheap Web Site Hosting Services, look no further than DataFlurry Cheap Website Hosting for Small Business & Ecommerce web sites. We also offer SEO Search Engine Optimization Marketing Services.
Article From Article Emporium
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Friday, September 12, 2008
Looking for Cheap Web Hosting? Look Before You Buy
Disk Quota - Ensure that the plan you choose not only accommodates your current needs, but also takes into account your future growth. The difference in price between 30 GB of disk space and 60 GB of disk space is relatively inconsequential, so when in doubt opt for more.
Bandwidth - Cheap web hosting providers sometimes skimp on bandwidth, so make sure you know the bandwidth you currently use and sign up for a plan that gives you some wiggle room. Basic plans can offer 100 GB of bandwidth, while premium plans often provide unlimited bandwidth. Keep in mind, however, that some providers prohibit customers from using an "excessive" amount of bandwidth. Be sure to check the fine print in a website hosting company's Acceptable Use Policy so you don't face unpleasant surprises down the road.
Email Accounts - Depending upon the type of enterprise you have, you may need 30, 60, or more email accounts. Ensure that the service you choose can accommodate your current and future need for email accounts. Beyond the number of email accounts, look for providers that offer a range of email tools, such as the ability to manage email accounts, auto-responders, mailing lists, spam filtering, and custom mail filtering.
MySQL Database - MySQL is the most popular open source database on the planet, so ensure that the hosting provider you select can deliver the number of databases you need.
Dedicated IP - Unless yours is a personal site, you most likely want a dedicated IP. Otherwise, you may suffer the consequences of transgressions committed by sites that share your IP. It's also helpful to have your own IP if you're engaged in search engine optimization strategies. Of course, if you're looking for ecommerce web site hosting, a dedicated IP is necessary for SSL URLs.
Control Panel - It's critical that the company with which you choose to work offers a control panel feature to its customers. Whether you're a seasoned programmer or a newbie, a control panel makes life much, much easier.
Aside from finding the features you need, it's important to find a website hosting service that is above board. Some cheap web hosting providers pile on additional fees or charge exorbitant set-up fees. Carefully read both the Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Service for any provider you're considering.
There are many affordable web hosting companies that are fair, honest, and effective. The best among them offer round the clock technical support and a money-back guarantee.
Author Resource:->
Chris Robertson is a published author of
Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at:
To learn more about subjects like cheap web hosting please visit the web site at:
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Article From Article Emporium
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Targeted Domain Names- 9 Ways to Make More Profit With Domain Names
While domain names obviously are utilized as the addresses that get people to a particular Internet website, the correct domain name can be instrumental in opening doors to a business owner when it comes to potential clients or customers. Towards that end, it is important for you to understand targeted domain names. By understanding the ins and outs of targeted domain names, you will be in a far better position to make more profit through the use of these targeted domain names.
1. Targeted domain names help you connect with a niche market.
2. Targeted domain names are vital in assisting you to dray appropriate traffic to your website.
3. Targeted domain names can aid you in reducing the amount of traffic to your site that simply will not be interested in the products or services you offer.
4. Targeted domain names can save you money in the short and in the long term.
5. Targeted domain names can be of great assistance to you in developing an overall marketing and promotional campaign.
6. Targeted domain names in and of themselves are fantastic marketing tools.
7. Targeted domain names help you to better define your own business enterprise.
8. Targeted domain names are vital when it comes to raising your search engine rankings.
9. In the end, targeted domain names sometimes can even make the difference between a successful and a withering business enterprise. Truly, targeted domain names can help your business profit.
As you can see a domain is important to your image. Choose your domain name wisely.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘
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Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation
Sean Ray is an accomplished internet article writer, and uses articles to drive online traffic.
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Friday, August 15, 2008
Web Hosting - Tips and Tricks
After you have designed your website, you will have to use a web hosting service, so that it can be uploaded on the internet, thus viewed by people browsing it. Using a web host means buying virtual space from a company, which will "host" your website on its web servers; it is possible for that company to host many more websites with differing domain names and IP addresses, but this won't affect your website. In return of their service, you will have to pay a fee every month. Usually the fee it's not too expensive, but if you request a large amount of bandwidth and big disk space, then you should expect a high bill too. Also take notice that there are several web hosting options, such as dedicated web hosting or web hosting reseller.
The next step would be to focus on the domain names, as these are an important element in the whole "web hosting" process. So, when designing the website and purchasing a web hosting service, also find a domain registrar. Make sure you choose your favourite domain name and that it is available, then buy it from the domain registrar. It is really up to you which website domain you buy, or how many domain names; the key is that they all need to be available.
To conclude, after you bought the web domain, also purchase a web hosting service that fits your needs best from a professional web hosting company. If you are interested in more details about this topic or in examples of web hosting providers check out these web hosting tips.
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Friday, August 8, 2008
The Best Cheap Internet Web Hosting Service Will Have an Easy-To-Use Control Panel
There are so many qualities that the best cheap internet web hosting service should have. One of these qualities is the ability to give its clients the freedom to manage different aspects of their web hosting accounts themselves. And this is where the control panel comes to play a major role.
Actually, the control panel is what is used by a person who has signed up for the best cheap internet web hosting service to mange different aspects of his or her web hosting account.
The best cheap internet web hosting service will have an easy to use control panel where you can change the password of your account, add and delete email addresses, create POP3 email accounts, forward your email messages from one email address to another etc.
You shouldn’t sign up with a web host where you will have to contact their technical support team before you can do what should have been easily done. The best cheap internet web hosting service will certainly not offer this kind of service.
There are some more common activities that a webmaster needs to perform when he or she signs up with a web host using the control panel. The truth is that without the control panel, a web hosting service is useless. And this is another reason why the best cheap internet web hosting service will always have an easy to use control panel. For instance, if you want to create a forum for your website, you will need the control panel because the forum creator tool is in the control panel.
Imagine what a web host would be like without a control panel. I hope you can now see from my point of view that the best cheap internet web hosting service cannot do without a control panel.
There is this cheap internet web hosting service that offers an easy to use control panel. This cheap internet web hosting service also hosts any website and keeps it available online 24/7. These are the reasons why I’ve personally found this cheap internet web hosting service to be very reliable.
From Sam Ayodeji – a web hosting expert who has helped countless individuals to choose the right web hosting services.
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Friday, August 1, 2008
Windows Or Linux - Which One is Better Option For Web Hosting?
Once a web site is ready, the next confusing thing is the server on which the web site goes on. Deciding on a web hosting service is something that might get anybody perplexed. There are mainly two types of website hosting services - Windows and Linux. If the business is small then you can even try out the Shared Linux and Windows hosting service. Windows as well as Linux website host services have different benefits and limitations.
Linux hosting is one of the most common and significant hosting service on the net. The main reason for this web hosting is that many companies which are using it are open sources and quite affordable compared to Windows. Linux is much easier to manage as the business grows online. Windows hosting supports all operational functions of Windows system. It maintains programming frameworks such as ColdFusion and It also backs SQL servers which is extremely useful when creating a website regarding a searchable list. Windows hosting service is apt for people who are used to Microsoft based technologies or equipments.
The biggest difference between these two hosting services is the cost factor. Linux services are much low-priced in comparison to Windows. Money does play an important in website hosting especially when new web owners are starting off. But, the main reason for Windows hosting service costs to be higher is the fact that many Windows technologies are licensed. Windows also scores over Linux in the programming department; there are many Windows softwares which are not supported on Linux operating systems.
After drafting out your needs, you can also consult professionals in the web site hosting field on which is a better option. But, it is always advisable to weigh the pros and cons before making that choice, so that you do not regret in any possible where. There are many hosting companies that can help you with the right web hosting solution which will take away all your tension and your entire job will be done within moments. But, make sure to do a reference check before hiring any company's service.
For more information please visit at IDS Logic- an IT outsourcing company which is a leading innovative web based solutions provider including internet marketing services, web hosting services, web design and development solutions and seo services in India.
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Linux and Windows Web Hosting at
Friday, July 25, 2008
Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Go For Cheap Web Hosting
While choosing a cheap web hosting service for your business or company, you need be careful and cautious as it makes a huge impact on your business in long term.
This article will help you understand why you should go for cheap web hosting and why it is called affordable.
This article should be used as a guideline to better understand and choose a perfect web hosting solution for you among cheap web hosting providers.
1. For small business companies it is better to go for cheap web hosting as it is affordable and falls within the budget.
2. Generally these companies are reliable, dependable and provides quite a good support to their subscribers
3. It doesn't include additional features which would have included in the full package like SSL access, shopping cart etc which lowers down the cost.
4. Although the web hosting is cheap, the support and service provided by these companies is really good and is a plus point for personal website owners and small business enterprises.
5. It is observed that due to huge competition in the web hosting business, web hosting companies keep lowering their hosting prices every year. Going for a cheap web hosting service doesn't necessarily mean that it will be of poor quality and service.
Although it is good to choose a cheap web hosting for your business, you should go through the company's history, its reputation. Carefully go through customer testimonials and user feedback on their website. Get in touch with any of your friends / colleagues who are using the hosting service and ask them their experience.
Before making the decision, you should see that the web hosting company is reliable, takes care of their customers, has a professional image and runs the business from many years (at least 3 years).
Ben Huang,
The Web Hosting Review Expert,
see who is in the top 10 best web
hosting today.
Copyright of this article is reserved by the author, Ben Huang. You may use
this article for personal or commercial purposes, as long as the content,
author, and links are not altered.
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Sunday, July 20, 2008
Affordable Web Hosting Is A Must For Any Webmaster
When searching for a web host affordable web hosting is the goal, but it is also important that you choose the plan that best suits your needs. Affordable web hosting is easy to find if you know what you want in web hosting and you compare the prices of a web host and many of their competitors. Affordable web hosting is wonderful, but only if you are getting all of the qualities that you need from your web host. Another important consideration in choosing an affordable web hosting is the customer support services.
When having an online presence is a must, but money isn't flowing quite as well as any webmaster would like, affordable web hosting services can really save the day. As any entrepreneur knows, it is wise to shop for services and if you are building a web site, you are going to be shopping for affordable web hosting. This is of particular importance when we consider affordable web hosting for small business. Your search for a web hosting partner that is affordable should include investigating their equipment, their connection, and their integrity. There could be a cheap affordable web hosting solution that takes care of all these aspects and still gives you good quality service, and this is precisely what you need to be looking at.
Hosting services will also give a variety of bandwidth that is available. Bandwidth refers to the amount of data transferred from your site to your users. Every time someone visits your website, they use your bandwidth. Two of the most important features to any website plan are the amount of disk space allocated to your domain (how much file space your website will take up on the web host’s server) and the amount of bandwidth you are allowed to use each month.
Affordable web hosting is what most people are looking for. Affordable web hosting is the most important element in any web site’s plan for development. Having a good reliable and affordable web host is the first step to success. If you’re going to spend time on anything, taking the time to find good affordable web hosting is a good investment.
One of the best affordable web hosting compaines offers a coupon for the first month’s hosting for only one penny, with great monthly rates after that. Get the coupon code here.
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Sunday, July 13, 2008
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Friday, July 11, 2008
How to Find Cheap Web Hosting services
Web hosting refers to an Internet hosting service that offers online systems to different users for storing any kind of information like video, images etc. It’s not so difficult to find these services at cheap rates but there are certain things that should be keep in mind while looking for cheap web hosting services. You can easily find cheap web hosting service provider with careful research.
Users should find the best as well as cheap service provider that satisfies their requirements. You should perform some extra research at the time of selecting cheap web hosting services. Sometimes web hosting companies offer inferior services at cheap rates so be careful at the time of choosing cheap web services provider. You should check company’s background or previous records and verify that whether the company is reputable or not.
Determine the levels of support while choosing cheap web hosting services. You should determine whether you’re comfortable with the service area support or not. Web hosting service provider normally offers services at cheap rates because they are not responsible for the maintenance of their own server equipment. Sometimes they provide dedicated server via another web host thats why another web hosting company maintain server.
You should also check whether the service provider offers as much disk space as you want. Be sure that the chosen cheap web hosting service provider would meet your expectations. In today’s competitive market there are so many providers that are providing the best services at cheap rates.
About Author: Author owns a website on Cheap Web Hosting. Website provider information about cheap web hosting services, how to find cheap web service provider and also offers some tips for cheap web hosting. You can also visit his site about online web hosting
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Affordable Web Hosting at
1&1 Internet Coupons
In this modern age, you will find all kinds of coupons that will enable you save money for products and services. When you are getting services from the internet like web hosting you will be glad to know that there are offers that can help you have discounts and they come in form of 1&1 internet coupons. When you search the internet, you will find many codes you can use to activate the 1&1 coupons. You will find a variety of coupons which will have an indication of their validity alongside them. If you find that the validity of your coupon is unknown, you need to find out more from the site so that you can choose a coupon code that is valid. The coupons come with a full description of the services they offer coupons for and below are a few examples of 1&1 internet coupons.
The first internet product you will find a coupon for is a Microsoft home hosting package. You will be required to use the link provided and the 1&1 internet coupon has no indication of an expiry date. Another internet product that you will find a coupon for is the private domain name registration. Other products are free domains and hosting, website builders, managed servers and the list goes on. Therefore, if you have been thinking of getting these products, you can do this the cheap way. The internet will reveal several lists of the 1&1 internet coupons available. When you are considering the coupons, you need to know that many companies are competing to offer the best for customers and potential customers.
This means that you can take time to choose the best coupons available. You need to know that the 1$1 internet coupons come with different percentages for the cut and, you can choose the amount that will suit you best. If you find that you have a coupon that is no longer valid, you can find out whether it is redeemable. Usually, this will involve you going on their site and clicking on the provision to redeem the 1&1 internet coupons. Sometimes you can use coupon codes that are correct but, you fail to manage a purchase with the coupon. This might be due to broken links and all you have to do is to inform the site that offered the coupon code so that they can evaluate their systems.
You will discover that internet coupons are very helpful when you want to acquire certain systems for online facilitation. Some people do not take time to consider the offers that coupons present. This might be as a result of ignorance. It is paramount to know that saving any amount of money will go a long way in enhancing your life. Some people are simply not aware that they can get great prices by using internet coupons. Therefore, it is good to be empowered with the right information so that your life can become easier. Find an internet coupon today and save yourself some money and you will not regret it.
Peter Gitundu is a Web Administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on Coupons for Years. For More Information on 1&1 Internet Coupons, Visit His Site at 1&1 INTERNET COUPONS You Can Also Post Pour Views About 1&1 Internet Coupons On My Blog Here 1&1 INTERNET COUPONS
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Where to Get Cheap Web Hosting
First, to see if you can use cheap web hosting you need to know how much disk space you will need. How large is your website? How many pages, video files, music files, etc. do you need? Second, a cheap web hosting company will need to know how busy your sight will be. If your site is going to have a lot of visitors, cheap web hosting may not be for you. Third, how many email accounts do you need? Cheap web hosting companies do not usually provide many. Lastly, how much are you willing to spend? Cheap web hosting is not as technical as the more expensive web hosting.
If you go online, you can find a list of the top 10 cheap web hosting companies. The top 10 cheap web hosting companies are rated by their price, quality, and service provided. The cheap web hosting companies are priced between $4.95 and $19.95 a month. The cheap web hosting company's price varies on what kind of things you need. The disk space provided can be from 3000MB to 5000MB. The bandwidth varies from 40GB to 300GB. If this is not enough for you, then a cheap web hosting company is not an option for you. Most of these cheap web hosting companies offer free set up. This will make things much easier for you. Be aware of cheap web hosting that offers unlimited disk space. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.
The top 10 web hosting companies reviewed are: Blue Host, Power Hosting, Pages Garden, Pro Logic Hosting, Easy CGI, Gigabyte Package, Yahoo! Hosting, iPower Web, Lunar pages, and Dot5 Web Hosting. All of these are very cheap web hosting companies. You will find them listed at At this website you will also find customer testimonials and thorough listings about the cheap web hosting company's services they offer to you.
For those of you who still think that this is not cheap web hosting, you can also find free web hosting. It still comes with a price, however. Comcast offers free web hosting to anyone who subscribes to their internet service. You still have to pay for the internet service, but the web hosting is free. That's the best that can be done about cheap web hosting. Weigh the odds, and see which route is best for you.
Jay Moncliff is the founder of a blog focusing on the Web Hosting, resources and articles. This site provides detailed information on Web Hosting. For more info visit his site at: Web Hosting
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Thursday, July 3, 2008
Guide to Find an Affordable Web Hosting
Affordable web hosting is a web hosting solution which falls into your budget range but still can best suit the needs of your web site. Finding an affordable one is not so hard, below are 4 tips to help to find an appropriate one.
1) Know your web hosting needs
Whatever you are looking for, knowing the needs is always very important. Many different types of web hosting are available in the world, it could be shared web hosting, VPS web hosting, or dedicated web hosting. And the operation system can be Windows or Linux. Their prices are quite different and can be range from $3/month to several hundreds dollar per month. Knowing what you need will save you a lot of when looking for a web hosting.
2) Compare the price
There are so many web hosting service providers in the industry, some of them provide the close service level web hosting solution with different price. Comparing their price and finding out the best price is something worth doing if you want to look for an affordable one.
3) Read the customer review
It's hard to get to know the real support or service from the web hosting vendor until you use it. But as you know, the cost of changing a web hosting service provider is huge, so, knowing how they really perform is an important thing you should look into before making the final decision. There are many web hosting review site, where you can find the true customer review for the different web hosting vendors.
4) Seeking for a coupon if possible
Once you decide which web hosting vendor you would like to work with, finding a coupon code from them will further save your money. Most of the web hosting company will provide different type of coupon and give a discount.
Want to know how to find an affordable and reliable web hosting, please refer to Web Hosting Coupon and Cheap Web Hosting from Affordable Web Hosting.
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Affordable Web Hosting at
Top 10 - Web Hosting Service Providers
These Ratings are determined on
1.How many people use this services and how happy they are with it.
2.The Rates and Services included
3.Server up time and Maintenance Problems
4.Reviews from websites such as,,,
5.The past Records of the service providers counts too
6.Free services like free domain name schemes to just sell the hosting are NOT counted
4.Yahoo Web Hosting
6.IX WebHosting
Note - We have selected / reviewed 10 best web hosting companies from some of the world top webhosting companies. All the hosting services we reviewed are reliable web hosting company supporting Apache, Python, PHP 4 or 5, MySQL 4, Microsoft FrontPage extension and email (including webmail). Most runs on Linux and Windows.
Web Hosting services is a very competitive industry, some hosts are giving very cheap web hosting rate (as low as $4.95! ), including reduced first year fee, free months, discount coupon, free fist year, rebate and etc. You can easily find a very cheap hosting from $4~$10 per month.
Listing below are the best web hosting services support PHP, MySQL, Python, FrontPage web hosting and almost all of it are linux web hosting. Web hosting companies has been selected based on popularity, performance, feature, support quality and price. Higher rating hosting are usually has better feature over price ratio. All hosting plan below can host any domain name including .com, .org, .net,,, .tv, .ws ,,, .it and etc. and etc.
More on Top 10 Ratings of everything at
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Friday, June 27, 2008
Increase Your Page Rank - What's the Big Deal?
As a business owner on the web, you've probably heard a lot about page rank and ways to increase your page rank. PageRank is a trademark of Google. Google is the most popular site for searches at this time. PageRank can be likened to a FICO score. We know kinda how it's determined, what factors go into the equation but not real certain about the exact equation. Basically the more popular your site is the higher the page rank and the higher it will rank on search results for its keywords. The ranking is from 1 to 10. For example at this time, Google ranks 10 (of course). Popular sites like Microsoft, Amazon and Yahoo! rank a 9. EzineArticles ranks a 6. Mom and Pop's discount store down the block may rank a 1 or 2.
It can sometimes take months, even years for a website to get a decent page rank, and list high on search engines. If you want to get your page noticed, learn how to leverage another site's high page rank. If site B has a lot of links coming to it, Google assumes site B is important. If a higher ranking site, site A, has those links to site B, that increases the importance of site B even more. These links are called backlinks.
This is one way that articles are important. When you submit an article to a directory, you have a link in that article that points to your website. When that article gets published in the directory, that high ranking directory is now pointing to your website. Your website now has a backlink from that directory. So Google thinks you have an important website because you're hanging out with another important website. Many e-newsletter publishers go to article directories for content in their newsletters. If your article is good, it may get picked up and published in an e-newsletter. This newsletter is distributed to hundreds, possibly thousands of people, who now can read your article, with your website link. Think what that can do to increase your page rank and your exposure!
Blogging is fast become a very popular thing on the web. Blogs are usually used as a running commentary on a topic. If the blogs are relevant, they can be a great source of backlinks to your site. You can set up your own blog at sites such as You can also set up feeds from other relevant blogs to be listed on your website.
Page rank is not the sole determining factor of how high a site gets listed in results. Be wary of offers to 'guarantee' to increase your page rank. The search algorithm is too complex for anyone to be able to crack it successfully. Usually companies that try to guarantee a high ranking are counting on you buying links to your website. In essence they are trying to fool the search engines into thinking that a lot of places are linking to your site. Don't you think the search engines thought of that. Many people are now being penalized by the search engines if they are found to be using bogus links. Search engines also make sure that the content on the website is good, relevant and fresh. That's another reason why you need articles. Can you imagine crawling all over the web, backtracking links, checking website content, checking for duplicate content, all in less than half a second. Wow!
Find out how you can write fantastic articles to be submitted to directories and other tips to increase your page rank.
Article written by Lynne Jones, A Stay At Home Businesswoman/Mom. Unleash the power of article marketing! Take your business to new heights.
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Monday, June 16, 2008
The Secrets to Building Your Own Website
Building a website is only one step in the process of having a successful online presence. After the site is completed you need to have it hosted and maintained.
Building a website from a template, theoretically can save a great deal of time and money. Building a website is like building a house. The more time you spend thinking about how the house will be used, and in planning the foundation, the more options you will have. Building a website is the easy part of the process; optimizing it so it attracts clients is the tricky part.
Building a website without search engine optimization is like putting a retail store at the end of a dark alley and then wondering where all the customers are. If you put that same store in a major shopping mall, thousands of people would begin coming through that store every day simple because of its location. Building a website is easy. Building a successful e-business is another thing altogether. Design is one of the very strong indicators of trust and credibility in most users minds. It's true that ugly sells - but sexy sells better. Designer graphics can make your website stand out above the rest and a custom website specializes in taking your original graphic or photo and turning it into a unique work of art. Quality graphics make an incredible difference in the visual appeal of your website.
Flash can be used in much smaller chunks, much like images, to create a sense of animation and dynamism while still yielding the benefits of an HTML-based site. Animations that are simple to code often turn out quite beautifully and can add an impressive element to an otherwise simple-looking site. Flash Action script opens up a vast field of possibilities and the websites that provide flash games have been quite popular since the past few years. This whole new level of interactivity can make visitors.
Search engine spiders are non-responsive, meaning they can't interact with your site. All they can do is read text and follow links. Search engines want your website, and they work hard to get it. Just by picking up a few links to your website, you can ensure that the search engines will find your pages. Search engine optimization analysis may include counting the number of characters in content text on a webpage and comparing the number to an optimal range. Search engine optimization analysis may also include determining the keyword density in the content text and comparing the density to an optimal range.
There are tools to build your site and a long-term philosophy that enables you to create content-based websites that both the search engines and your site visitors like. Do you have to be special to succeed?
Author: Gregory Wadel
How You Can Build Your Own Perfect 90 Second Website
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Low Cost Web Hosting is Ideal For Small Businesses
Just about everyone understands how broad and powerful the reach of the internet is in this day and age. Almost everyday there are new internet users who are deciding that they want to begin to make some money by starting an internet-based business. One key requirement for a web business is having a hosting account and the majority of people just starting out are looking for low cost web hosting options.
In order for a website to be displayed it must be "hosted" on a special type of computer called a server, which is connected and accessible to the world wide web on a constant basis. Having a web server hosting account allows the person to post their web pages on their host server, which makes them available to the internet community. There are many different types of hosting accounts available, from free webhosting to managed dedicated servers, but the most popular type that people who are starting a web business look for is low priced, web hosting.
Some newbie entrepreneurs might believe that they should use a free webhosting service until their new enterprise starts to make some money. So they opt for low cost web hosting. But, there are some problems with almost all of the freebie hosting services and one of the main problems is that they will place their own advertising on all the pages hosted with their service.
The other major problem with many of the free webhosting companies is that of reliability. In many cases, these free, web server hosting companies have trouble with their equipment and their internet connection, which means the sites are not available for periods of time. This can also be a problem with some of the cheaper web hosting providers, and is frequently an issue with the free services.
When it comes to your hosting plan, you can expect to get what you pay for. If your website needs are minimal, then you will probably be satisfied with a cheaper, web hosting plan, as long as you check out the reliability of the company first. As the needs of your website grows and the server load and traffic demand becomes higher, you may need to seek out better web hosting plans, to ensure that your website is always up, is fully functional and is loading quickly for your visitors.
Anyone who spends any time on the internet knows that people expect websites to load quickly and without any problems. Often people do not have the patience to wait for a page to load if it takes more than a couple of seconds to display.
With so many websites to visit, it is estimated that a viewer will only wait a few seconds for any site to load, before moving on to another site that will. As a result, if you have a lot of graphics, video files and/or Flash animations, and are getting a lot of website visitors, then you could easily outgrow the capacity of a low priced, web hosting package.
If you are in a situation where you need to find low cost web hosting because your business is new and you need to keep costs down, then make sure you check the track record of the hosting company before you start to build your website. Also, working with a web server hosting company that offers low-cost plans, mid-range plans, and plans that provide dedicated hosting services is a good indication that they are a provider that will be able to grow with your business.
A free gift awaits you at our portal site, where you can enrich your knowledge further about low cost web hosting. Your comment is much appreciated at our dedicated server hosting blog.
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Sunday, June 1, 2008
Web Hosting - Is Cheapest The Best?
Like TV and network services, hosting services also faces stiff competition among its peers. There are so many companies out there to choose from. Making a choice could sometimes be the hardest thing in the world. Everyone wants to get the best service at the cheapest price.
However, those who are going for cheap deals must also bear in mind that their website should work perfectly. It wouldn't be a good thing if a new website often needs maintenance because of the lack of performance by the service provider.
We should come to a smart conclusion that a cheap web hosting means getting what you pay for at an acceptable price and having the website work perfectly for you without any problems. There are a lot of free web hosting available in the market. These hosts are perfect for those who do not need much activity in their website. For website that will have an increase in traffic overtime, you will need to pay for a suitable provider.
Like we mention earlier, competition is going at a very tough pace in the war to be the best provider. Therefore, those who want to get a hosting for their website can gain from this competition. Website with a big size can be obtained at a very low and reasonable price. With a small investment, you will be able to get a fully equip website to have your business blooming in profit.
So, act smart and choose reliable providers even if it charges a certain amount of money.
At the end of the day, it is the reliability that counts. So, choose a provider with a brand that stands behind it to ensure the quality of service. Pay a little to make more money is the wisest choice to make sure your business grow in the long term.
At the time of writing, I found a few web hosting companies are offering cheap but yet, reliable services - Host Monster and Blue Host. So in case you're shopping for the right web hosting, remember to check on them ya!
Article by Phil Anderson.
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Monday, May 26, 2008
Build A Website And Watch Your Business Grow
Do you want to build a website? You should! Having a website for your business is a great tool, and can help your business boom. There are many tips and reasons for building a website for your business listed further on this page.
In today's society, the internet seems to be the answer to everything. It is often the first source of information for many people. Have a question? Use the internet. Need directions? Use the internet. Shopping for a gift? Use the internet!
Almost all businesses would benefit from having someone build a website for them. Whether it's the service industry, information, or sales, the Internet can benefit you. Once you have built a website, your company becomes available to a whole new kind of market. People can compare prices and find their needs instantly on your website, and your business will be guaranteed to grow!
Just placing your business information on the web will allow shoppers to find your store. Imagine a shopper looking for party stores, all they know is the unfriendly big chain party stores. But with one internet search, pow! They can find your friendly neighborhood party store, where the customer is important. Envision the influx of new customers if they can find all the information about your business online, before they even step in the door.
an grow even further if you make your website an online store. Then not only will you get more in the door business, but customers can buy from your store 24 hrs a day from the comfort of their own homes! Your store doesn't even have to be open for shoppers to buy online. Imagine the growth in sales if you can sell when you are not even working.
There is no ceiling on how big your business can get by using the internet and building your website. With just a simple site your business is guaranteed to get more attention from both online shoppers and on foot traffic. If the question is "What can I do to improve my business?" The answer is always, build a website!
Do you want to build a website? You should! Having a site for your business is a great tool, and can help your business boom. In the world today we use the Internet for everything. It is how most of us get our news, weather forecast, answer questions and even find our way around the city. It is often our first go to place to find the right answer. Just placing your business information on the web will allow shoppers to find your store. Even a basic site will bring your business more attention and increase the shoppers that you see both on-line and in person.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Search For The Best Web Hosting Provider
The Internet is such a vital tool in any business. It can help in promoting a company, and in expanding the reach of the business. While it is important to get a good web designer and developer, it is also vital to choose a capable web hosting firm. Companies fall prey to the belief that web hosting services is of less importance to their business. What's dangerous for any business is to have their website go down during a busy season, and have their web hosting company report server issues. The business cannot let opportunities of doing business in the Internet to be wasted, particularly on busy days.
Companies also have to consider how much they are paying for their web hosting provider. Again, falling prey to cheap deals is something that most companies experience. Cheap deals do not necessarily equate to good deals! You might need to shell out another dollar or two to be able to ensure that your website is uploaded by a creditable web hosting provider.
Check on how much room the website hosting is allocating for your website on their servers. It is crucial especially if your website is planned to expand in its functions and design. Your website might need to have more space in the web hosting company's servers in case you add graphics or additional web pages.
Keep in mind these practical tips to that you'll have a good idea how to choose the most capable web hosting provider for your website.
Finding a good web host is a difficult decision which most online business owners face. simplifies this process by providing web host reviews and discount coupons from the leading web hosting companies. Read the web hosting blog and find a good host for you.
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Friday, May 2, 2008
Using Anchor Text Effeciently
The prime mistake Newbies make is to put their website name into the Anchor Text. Unless your website contains your keywords this is a waste of a perfectly good link. Remember that Google puts a very big importance on those Anchor texts and they should always use your keywords.
The second mistake is trying to put every single keyword into your anchor text and give that to everyone. There are two mistakes with this technique.
1. Google assigns weight to each word in anchor text so if there are a lot of filler words (common in long sentences), they will "dilute" your target words
2. You should vary your text throughout your links. That is, change it every 20 or so. This just makes sense. If your links were placed naturally, there would never be 300 links all with the EXACT same anchor text.
So with all that in mind here is an example:
You sell Blue Widgets in England and want to rank first for "Cheap Blue Widgets in England"
Your anchor text could be varied between the following:
Cheap Widgets
Blue Widgets
Widgets in England
Cheap Blue Widgets
Hopefully this helps you start an effective campaign.
About the author:
Jason Rickard is the webmaster for http://www.yourfavouriteshop.comand owner of Grafton Web Design in Dublin, Ireland. *Article may be reprinted provided it is not altered and links are live.*
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Sunday, April 13, 2008
Keyword and Being No.1

It's easy to pay a Search Engine Optimizer to give your pages some ranking power. Unfortunately, given the inherent time factor involved in climbing the ranks, your money may be long gone before you know if you've spent your money well.
Forget any advertisement you see for instant number one search results or automated this or that. Most are scams, and the ones that aren't might get you positioned, but it will be very short lived.
Search engine optimization is an ongoing process. Achieving and maintaining a high rank, especially on highly competitive keywords, requires constant maintenance. If you do find a legitimate SEO firm, it is well worth the money to pay their monthly maintenance fee and let them continue to help you after the initial project. At least for 6 months or a year as you establish yourself.
In this article we'll look at some of the intricate and complex tasks of optimizing a page for long term ranking power. You will learn how to read between the code and the content to find what is necessary to bring you to the top. Being number one is easy to say, but is quickly overwhelming when you stare at tens of thousands of pages you want to out rank. So how do you begin?
The starting line on the road to that first page SERP (search engine results page) ranking is not as blurry as you might think. In fact, you can uncover the starting line, the route, and all the scenery along the way to the finish line without knowing the search engine algorithm.
If you have investments in the stock market you know how much research and thought goes into choosing those securities. Now take that same effort and multiply it by three. That's how much planning and revision your keywords should take.
A simple, broad key phrase like "shoes" could hypothetically bring you up in a countless stream of different searches. Women's shoes, baby shoes, sneakers, high heels, etc. If somehow you manage to settle into a good ranking (which would be difficult) you would have more traffic on your site than you could handle. But traffic is worthless is it doesn't get to it's destination. Chances are, you weren't that destination.
Your keywords must be focused and precise, specific to what you are selling. Using a key phrase like "Gucci mens black leather loafer" will bring a targeted lead to your site. You may not reach as many people as the more generalized keyword, but the people that do come to you have a much deeper interest in the specific product you are selling.
Therefore you have much greater chance of converting that targeted lead to a sale. Your keywords are your magic beans, your winning lotto numbers, your energizer bunnies, your sales force, whatever you want to call them. They must be perfect.
Competition Analysis- no SEO book can give you this information.
Now take your keyword list and type them into a search engine. Who comes up in the first ten results? That company that is number one is because they have most closely matched what the search engine algorithm says should be number one. You can learn a great deal from them.
Take that number one page, and the other top 9 pages and study them, look at the code, break them down. You are looking at the first half of what is needed to rank in the top 10 pages for your key phrases on that particular search engine. The list of what to look for is enormous.
Studying the Internal Factors on a page is taking it apart to see how it's put together. Not how it works, but statistical research into the precise construct and layout of keywords and phrases in relation to each other within the page.
Start with these areas:
URL address, Page Title, Meta description, Meta Keywords, First sentence on the page, Body copy, Bold or Emphasized Phrases, H1 or other tags, Alt Tags, Navigation system
In each of those sections, look at:
Keyword densities- the number of times your phrase and each word in your phrase appears compared to the text around it
Where and in how many times the same phrase and words appear in different sections
The word and character position of each phrase in each
The total number of characters
The total number of words
The quality and thought of the content
Beginning with these comparisons should keep you quite busy for a while. A spreadsheet is quite useful. Some commercial products are also available that can make this daunting task much more feasible. Keep looking for other patterns and differences. You want to duplicate them in your own page. NOT copy and steal. You want to mimic the patterns that are bringing that page to the position it is. Then move onto to examining the external factors of these pages.
External factors of a web page deal with the links to, from and within a web page, both inside the same site, and out into the web. This analysis usually takes more time because it involves more dissection of pages beyond the one you're trying to optimize.
In this analysis as with Internal Factors, you want to compare and contrast your page versus the top 10 competitors, find similarities and differences. Here is a list of criteria to get you started.
Number of internal (to the same site) on that page
Number of external links
Number of links pointing TO that page* (see below for details)
The link/anchor text- which keywords are used and where
Google Page Rank value of incoming links
Alexa Rank of incoming links
*To get a listing of the links that point to a site, type the following into Google, MSN and Yahoo searches: "". Google tends to only show a small portion of the links back, but MSN and Yahoo will give you much more pertinent data.
Now you want to compare the content on each of these pages to the one they point to. Is it of similar theme, in what context does the link back appear and where. Subject of much debate, the consensus is that Google Page Rank does not mean what it used to. However, if it is in some fashion a measure of how significant or "important" a site is, it is worth looking more closely at the sites that link back that are of high page rank.
Now, this is definitely a ton of work to do all by hand. There are software programs that can help do some of the digging and mathematical computations for you, figuring out densities and organizing information.
Tools like this are definitely ones a professional SEO will have in their arsenal. But remember, these are tools, not miracle workers. It takes a human being to evaluate and realize connections, similarities, draw conclusions and interpret the data. Then, you have to extrapolate this data.
Remember, you want to do one better than every site you just examined. To do that you have to draw some conclusions and make some educated guesses and link to even better sites.
You have access to the inner workings of every page that you want to beat. Learn from them and do one better. This process is not a one-time shot. It is ongoing. Check your key phrases every week. Do the same people still rank in the top ten?
Some have probably moved. Remember too that they're going to adapt to maintain their positions too. If you want the ranks, you have to spend the time, and not just once, or pay someone to do it for you.
Don't ever believe anyone who says they can guarantee any kind of results. And ask them how they will optimize your pages. If they explain to you something like the above, then you've probably got yourself someone experienced and honest. You money will be well spent and you'll quickly recover it.
About the author:
John Krycek is the owner and creative director of http://www.theMouseworks.caweb design in Toronto. Learn more about search engine optimization and internet marketing in easy, non-technical, up front English!
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